YouTube for Learning English

Have you tried learning English on YouTube?

To help you, we’ve picked 12 channels to help you learn English on Youtube. The styles are all very different, but they’re all really fun and interesting.
Here are a few reasons for using Youtube to learn English:
  • You might already have books or classroom lessons, but having a variety of materials is good.
  • You can pause and rewind whenever you need to.
  • Many of the videos let you see the speaker’s mouths. This way you can better understand how their mouths move.
Learning any new language is going to be a challenge. But the experience doesn’t have to be painful.
Whether you are a child, teenager or adult, absolute beginner, intermediate or advanced ESL student, YouTube has a lot of English language lessons and English language learning channels that are available for free. Hope you enjoy the ones shown here!

For Primary School:

Songs are among the most enjoyable and effective ways to learn a new language.  Their melodies and rhythms help to create strong memories, vital for picking up new verbs, expressions and colloquialisms.  Young children learning English as a second language can benefit from listening and singing along to nursery rhymes as they too help to improve memory and recall skills.  The British Council’s Learn English Kids is a superb channel that’s packed with animated videos of nursery rhymes.  Each well produced video features entertaining cartoons and subtitles in English.
Children love being read stories and the British Council’s YouTube channel also features animations of favourite children’s tales including Goldilocks and the Three BearsJack and the Beanstalk and Little Red Riding Hood.  As with the nursery rhymes, the cartoons are accompanied by subtitles in English.
The channel also features a ‘word of the week’ video where you can see and hear children from around the world say a new word.

For Middle school:

This is one of the most popular YouTube channels for learning English. It’s easy to see why.   Misterduncan is passionate about his topic. He is excited about English and you can feel it in these well made videos. He uses humour a lot of the time to help you learn. Misterduncan teaches English to the world for free and has had a channel on YouTube since 2006. There are many lessons on topics like the senses, slang, news, fashion and money.  They are easy to watch and are about how the language is spoken instead of grammar.
Real English is one of the best channels for English language beginners and has a large library of free access lessons.  Each one includes two videos, one with subtitles and one without and a handful of exercises.  It has real people and real life situations, so you get a true feel for how people really speak English.

From one of the world’s most famous broadcasting companies (the British Broadcasting Corporation) comes a bunch of free English language learning lessons.  They are in a variety of formats such as real life situations, cartoons and interviews.  There’s also a really cool collection of videos for words you’ll hear in the news.  The videos are short but filled with a lot of really good information.

English with Jennifer is a rich collection of more than 200 videos that are grouped into easy to use playlists.  There are lessons for beginners, lessons to improve your writing in English, lessons on grammar and many more.  What marks them out as a cut above the rest is the fresh and simple presentation and the special focus on pronunciation.  There are no scripts and no actors, just real, natural English language speaking.  In common with many other language learning channels there is interactivity as well.

Linguaspectrum Interesting English takes a different approach from many other language learning channels. It concentrates learning around interesting things that you may encounter.  For example, there are lessons about the vocabulary you will need at an airport, creepy-crawlies (insects) and types of musical instruments.  The narration is straightforward and accompanied by subtitles and occasionally some fascinating scenes.  The lessons all link to follow-up interactive elements on Linguaspectrum’s website which are also free.
Rather intresting and amusing channel. Here you can study English with the help of music, games,
films and  humour.

For High school:

You can ask for directions, get a meal in a restaurant and tell the time in English.  But what if you’re called on to attend a business meeting conducted in English?  There’s no need to break out into a cold sweat as Business English Pod has it covered with clear and thorough lessons on topics such as supply chain management, finance and economics and contract law.

VOA is something a bit different. The channel offers subtitled news reports that are read out at slower speeds than normal.  This gives the viewer time to hear every word clearly and to see the shape of the announcer’s mouth as he or she reads the script.  VOA also posts its Google+ Hangouts where callers from around the world discuss in English the stories that have been making the news.  Other Hangouts provide tips on grammar and different aspects of speaking the English language.

Free daily videos that are designed to help you learn English quickly and include real American slang, idioms and phrasal verbs.

Pro English

This channel is dedicated to creative learning. You may listen to interesting explanations and learn
with entertainment. All the materials are authentic and help to preapare for EGE exam. 

Marina Leskovets

This is a channel of a professional teacher, who especially interested in exam tutoring. She uses such an approach, which is quite suits young people. Also Marina Leskovets explains all the EGE exam tasks. All in all, her materials are useful and joyful at the same time.

             Технологическая карта урока по английскому языку

 с использованием ресурсов сети Интернет (YouTube)

Класс:  9 А
Дата: 12.05.2016
Время: 45 мин
Тема урока: Synonyms, antonyms and homonyms in English.
Цель: дать понятие лексических терминов «Синонимы, антонимы, омонимы» английского языка

Планируемые результаты 
 1.    Предметные:
-        Совершенствование умений  извлекать информацию, перерабатывать её, анализировать;
-        Формирование и совершенствование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.
2.      Метапредметные
-        Умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с учителем и сверстниками; работать индивидуально и в группе;
-        Формирование и развитие компетентности в области использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий.
3.      Личностные:
-        Развитие способности обучающихся к самообразованию, саморазвитию и личностному самоопределению;
-        сформированность мотивации к обучению и целенаправленной познавательной деятельности

Задачи урока
Обучающие задачи урока:
-        Формирование и совершенствование практических навыков владения лексическим материалом по данной тематике, расширение словарного запаса путем привлечения дополнительного материала
-        Обучение чтению коротких текстов с целью извлечения интересующей информации
-        Совершенствование навыков монологической речи
Развивающие задачи урока:
-        Развитие памяти и логического мышления
-        Развитие способностей к анализу и синтезу, к сравнению и сопоставлению речевых единиц, к формированию выводов из прочитанного
Воспитательные задачи урока:
-        Формировать умение взаимодействовать во время  работы в группе и в парах, высказывать и обосновывать свою точку зрения, уважать мнение одноклассников

1. Spotlight 9 (Английский в фокусе. 9 класс) Учебник. Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дж.
2. Видео 1
3. Видео 2
4. Таблицы, карточки, копии
Формы работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, парная, групповая
Формы контроля: индивидуальный
Домашнее задание: повторить всю пройденную лексику

Этап урока, время
Деятельность учителя
Речь учителя
Деятельность обучающихся
  I. Организационно-мотивационный 1) Оргмомент.

2) Фонетическая зарядка. (3-4 мин)
Побуждает учащихся настроиться на урок, вспоминая известную лексику  и изучая новую
Hello, students, sit down, please. I’m glad to see all of you. Today we are going to introduce with new terms of English lexicology: Synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. So, how do you think what do this words mean exactly?

Видео 1 "Tony's not fat"
Pronounce. Translate. What is the difference between these words?
«Tony’s Not Fat»
This is Fat Tony.
Tony wasn’t always fat.
When Tony was young he wasn’t fat at all.
Tony got fatter as he got older.
Wherever I look I see people who are not as thin as they should be.
It’s the same when I look in the mirror.
But I wouldn’t want you to call me fat. That’s rude!
Luckily, there are some less rude expressions for describing people who are fat.
Let’s have a look at these expressions in alphabetical order, shall we?

Tony’s not fat, he’s a big lad.
Tony’s not fat, he’s beefy.
Tony’s not fat, he’s big-boned.
Tony’s not fat, he’s broad.
Tony’s not fat, he’s bulky.
Tony’s not fat, he’s chubby.
Tony’s not fat, he’s heavy.
Tony’s not fat, he’s heavyset.
Tony’s not fat, he’s overweight.
Tony’s not fat, he’s portly.
Tony’s not fat, he’s rotund.
Tony’s not fat, he’s stout.
Tony’s not fat, he’s got a spare tyre.
Tony’s not fat, he’s tubby.
Tony’s not fat, he’s well-padded.
Thanks for watching this video English lesson.
Goodbye for now.
Подготовка класса к работе
Hello! We are glad to see you too.
(ответы учеников что такое синонимы антонимы)

Просматривают видеозапись, выписывают новую лексику и переводят слова-синонимы. Находят отличия и схожести слов, встречающихся в фонетической зарядке.

II. Открытие нового знания (13-14 мин)
Объясняет новый учебный  материал, используя наглядность (схем, таблиц и картинок с синонимами, антонимами и омонимами)
-In English language, there are synonyms – words with the same meaning. For example: (картинка1)
-Let’s read and translate them. Are you able to remember some other examples? Who remembers more synonyms?

-Now let’s try ourselves as poets. We can write our own piece of art using directions below.(картинка2)

-Tell me, please, about antonyms.
- Absolutely right! Look! (картинка4)
- What about homonyms?
- Sure! Read and translate. Pronounce correctly.(картинка5)

Читают синонимы с таблицы, переводят их по цепочке. Распространяют таблицу, называя свои примеры.
Ученики читают указания, данные на карточке. 5 минут сочиняют стихотворения, затем зачитывают их. (примеркартинка3)

Ответ учеников: They are words that have opposite meaning.

Ответ учеников: Homonyms are words that have the same pronunciation.
Первичное закрепление  (5-6 мин)
Организует работу с текстом, работу в парах, аудирование, помогает при выполнении упражнения .
Задает вопросы по тексту, проверяет правильность выполнения упр. 3. Организует устный опрос по тексту, поощряя использование новой лексики.
Контролирует время на выполнение разных видов работы.
Let’s try to make some sentences using pairs of antonyms. Well, now we are going to read a text. The numbered words are the antonyms of the words that should appear there. Fix the story by replacing each bolded word with an antonym that makes more sense in the story. Write the new word on the corresponding numbered line.
Стр.80, упр.3
Felix and Diego were absent on the day of the test. When they left1 at school the following night2 , they had to go to a different room to give3 the test. They were calm4 because they were not really prepared but decided to give it their worst5 try. Felix’s pencil mended6 twice during the test because he was pressing too softly7 . He finally took a shallow8 breath and calmed up9 . At the different10 time, Diego was unoccupied11, carefully reading and then erasing12 in the bubbles to answer the questions. He started13 too quickly to do a poor14 job of it, so he decided to look recklessly15 back over each question to make sure he had the incorrect16 answer. Both girls17 spent most of the evening18 until lunch time playing19 on the test. They were very anxious20 when they were finally able to finish and turn their tests out21. They hurried back to their classroom just in time to get their lunch money so they could line up with everyone else to sell22 lunch. They decided to try harder not to be absent on a test day again!
Читают текст на стр. 80 учебника,
В парах выполняют задания по тексту.
Слушают запись текста (CD учебнику), проверяя правильность вставленных слов в упр.3.

Самостоятельная работа (5-6 мин)
Организовывает самостоятельную работу обучающиеся. Раздает листочки с тестовыми вопросами. Следить за правильностью выполнения .
 -Let`s do an exercise. Think which word is suitable in each case.
1 Street signs are written with __________ letters.
                         A) capital
                         B) capitol
2 The healthiest drink is __________ water.
                         A) plain
                         B) plane
3 Both countries signed the __________ treaty.
                         A) peace
                         B) piece
4 Maria has just completed her __________ semester of college.
                         A) forth
                         B) fourth
5 Thank you for the birthday __________!
                         A) presence
                         B) presents
6 Aspirin can __________ some types of pain.
                         A) lessen
                         B) lesson
7 Wine and cheese __________ each other.
                     A) complement
                     B) compliment
8 The park ranger __________ the lost hikers to safety.
                         A) lead
                         B) led
9 __________ did you put my car keys?
                         A) Wear
                         B) Where
10 Telling my grandmother she is a good cook is the __________ she loves best.
                         A) complement
                         B) compliment
11The public water supply is tested to be sure it contains no __________.
                         A) lead
                         B) led
12 We felt honored by the governor's __________ at our graduation ceremony.
                         A) presence
                         B) presents
13 During our tour of the __________, we saw the chamber in which the legislature meets.
                         A) capital
                         B) Capitol
14 Would you like a __________ of cake?
                         A) peace
                         B) piece
15 The mountain search and rescue team __________ the lost hikers to safety.
                         A) lead
                         B) led
Решают тест. Проверяют задания коллективно, по очереди читая предложения и называя выбранный ответ. Исправляют ошибки, следуя рекомендациям учителя.

Включение в систему знаний (7-8 мин)
Организует и при необходимости контролирует работу учащихся. Задает вопросы по просмотренному видео.
Видео 2 "Hares and Hairs - Learn English faster with laughter"
- Watch this video. Do you like the joke? What other examples of word play (or play-on-words) may you think of?
«Hairs are what you have on top of your head, unless you are bald like Tony.
Hares are animals that look like large rabbits.
A head full of rabbits might indeed look like a full head of hares, especially from a distance.
Unfortunately for Tony, it will never look like a full head of hair.
If you find yourself going bald, don't make the same mistake as Tony. Try a toupee or a wig instead.»
Просматривают видео, находят там омонимы. Объясняют разницу в их лексическом значении. Отвечают на вопросы учителя.

 III. Рефлексия и домашнее задание (3-4 мин)
Проверяет, была ли понятна учащимся используемая лексика.
- Let's check how did you learn what we studied today. I'll tell you some verb and you tell me its synonyms.
-Well done, girls and boys! I could see you tried hard.
- At home I will ask you to learn by heart one of the poems we read or your own and tell clearly, with emotions. See you tomorrow!
Слушают слова, произносимые учителем, перечисляют синонимы, изученные ранее, соответствующие данным словам.



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